What is a Wellness Scan?
This is a Functional Concierge Wellness and Fitness screening system which scans up to 128 Physiological parameters in just minutes with non-invasive scanning technology.
Wellness Score
Physician Assistant Interpretation
After the very first test our clients have a clearer picture of their current wellness, know about possible reasons for certain health issues, and understand in which direction to go in order to achieve their goals.
Concierge Wellness scan with Physician Assistant Interpretation.
Step 1
Contact Us: (941) 217-2777
Step 2
Prepay your scan by using the online payment option here on our website.
Step 3
Show up for your scan and interpretation with the physician assistant.
Frequently Asked Questions
Full body scans allow patients and doctors to gain a comprehensive understanding of the body to prioritize wellness. Wellness always matters, although it may be harder to preserve if you’re already suffering from symptoms or a disease or condition. At Reveal Vitality, we are passionate about taking proactive control of your health. We strive to help patients understand their body and its genetic makeup, working toward identifying red flags before they’re interfering with life. With that being said, the best time to get a wellness exam is when you’re well. During the exam non-invasive technology can be used to unveil a detailed picture of your overall health. Wellness body scans empower patients to take charge of their health, increasing quality of life and longevity.
What is a wellness body scan?
A wellness body scan is a diagnostic tool designed to compile a comprehensive pile of information regarding multiple aspects of your health and overall well-being. Its non-invasive nature uses innovative imaging technology to develop a remarkably detailed view of the inner workings of your body. This allows your care team to detect potential health concerns before they become problematic.
What does a full body scan include?
A full body scan examines all major organs and systems. This comprehensive examination includes the function of your brain, heart, lungs, liver, thyroid, kidneys, and more. The results of a full body scan allows practitioners to identify any anomalies or potential signs of disease or inflammation. At Reveal Vitality, 128 physiological indicators are used to provide an overall wellness score. Our full body assessment provides a quick yet detailed overview of the most important regulatory mechanisms of your body. Using results specific to your body, you and your functional medicine doctor can create a treatment plan made just for you and your lifestyle.
Are full body scans worth the money?
Full body scans are worth the money because investing in preventative care is investing in your future. Early disease detection allows time for early intervention. Early intervention is often the key to achieving better outcomes - saving you healthcare costs in the long run. Peace of mind is priceless and taking the proactive approach to your health that a full body scan offers is invaluable. Invest in your health, because you are worth it.
How much does it cost to have a full body scan?
The cost of a full body scan can vary. At Reveal Vitality, we are passionate about making life-enhancing services, including full body scans, accessible to as many people as possible. We offer personalized healthcare packages to meet every individual's unique needs and healthcare goals. For comprehensive pricing information about any of our services, please contact our team of compassionate professionals who are ready to help.
What are the disadvantages of a whole-body scan?
While full body scans offer many benefits, it's important to understand that they are not designed to diagnose diseases. Full body scans are useful diagnostic tools, but a total picture, which can include outside tests, should be considered before confirming a diagnosis. By giving insight into full physiological functioning, full body scans make diagnosing easier, but are only the first step toward disease prevention.
How long will a full body scan take?
Baseline full body scan results can be obtained in as little as two minutes. Innovative technology allows for a truly remarkable and quick experience, simplifying healthcare for practitioners and their patients. Additionally, results can be viewed on-screen in real-time, making it easy for patients to understand the results.
Can a full body scan detect heart problems?
Full body scans can detect cardiovascular abnormalities. Specifically, these scans can identify structural abnormalities including artery stiffness. Early detection of cardiovascular anomalies can be key to developing an effective treatment plan.
What is the most detailed body scan?
The healthcare industry may refer to a few different procedures as a full body scan. “Full body scan” may be used when referring to X-rays, MRI, CT, and DXA scans. One of the most detailed body scans though, is the MenlaScan. The MenlaScan uses advanced bio-technologies to produce detailed virtual insight into an individual’s physiological functioning.
When is the best time to do a body scan?
The best time to participate in a full body scan is now. Take control of your health before any potential disease has the chance. Full body scans should be incorporated into your annual preventive health screening. Even if you feel totally normal and healthy, you can benefit from a full body scan. Although traditional healthcare is very reactive, results and overall quality of life can be improved with a preventative healthcare approach. We never know what lies ahead, but a full body scan can give us a glimpse as to what might be coming and how we can avoid it.
What do you wear to a full body wellness scan?
For comfort and convenience, we recommend wearing loose, comfortable clothing to your full body wellness scan appointment. Metal such as piercings, zippers, buttons, and snaps may interfere with reading and results and should be avoided.
Take control of your health and wellness. . . schedule your full body scan today!