Get to the Bottom of Your GI Problem With Customized GI Testing


If you’ve ever experienced chronic gastrointestinal (GI) problems, then you know how frustrating and even embarrassing those symptoms can be.

Your symptoms may include:

  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn

Depending on the extent of your symptoms, you may find yourself changing your daily routine to stay close to a bathroom as needed.

As many as 60% or more of Americans experience at least one GI symptom per week. However, that doesn’t mean you just need to put up with the misery these symptoms can cause.

There are ways to pinpoint the root problem causing your bothersome GI symptoms.

The solution? Comprehensive, customized GI testing that takes a look at your microbiome (the community of microorganisms living in your gut) and provides a personalized solution for you. At Reveal Vitality, our GI testing tests can help indicate:

  • Small intestinal bacteria overgrowth
  • Food sensitivities and allergies that may contribute to or cause GI symptoms
  • The level of good bacteria in your gut
  • Gut parasite testing

At Reveal Vitality, we also conduct genetic testing that helps to personalize your health information. When combined with the relevant GI tests, you will get state-of-the-art health data to help tackle your gastrointestinal symptoms.

Our diagnostic process and treatment plans don’t just place a Band-Aid on your GI symptoms. They identify what’s actually causing your discomfort so you can use the right treatments and feel better.

Better GI Health: Here’s How Reveal Vitality Can Help

At Reveal Vitality, we take a functional medicine approach to prevent chronic disease and pain. Here are just some of the services we offer that can help you focus on wellness instead of sickness:

  • Natural weight loss
  • Integrative cardiovascular care
  • Vitamin therapy and nutrition counseling to get you on a better nutritional path

Contact Reveal Vitality today at 941-217-2777 to discover how we can guide you toward better health and a future with less chronic disease and aging.