Functional Medicine Blog

“Do you have HEALTH insurance or DISEASE insurance?”

“Do you have HEALTH insurance or DISEASE insurance?”

The #1 question we are asked is whether or not we take insurance and, if not, “Why not?” We explain that YOUR insurance carrier decides who is covered and what is reimbursable, not us. We also give them the bad news that if they lived in a civilized society or a state such as Oregon or Connecticut or others…that the exact same thing we are doing for them WOULD be reimbursable, even mandated by law to be reimbursable in SOME states.

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Stop Struggling: Developing a Personalized Weight Loss Plan

Stop Struggling: Developing a Personalized Weight Loss Plan

Nearly 100 million adults in the U.S. are considered overweight. More than ever before, we understand the close connection between excess weight and health problems. If you are like most Americans, you have spent months or years struggling to lose your extra weight and make your body healthier.

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What Is chronic fatigue syndrome & the best diet for it?

What Is chronic fatigue syndrome & the best diet for it?

We all know what it feels like to be overwhelmed with exhaustion. However, if your exhaustion never seems to end, it could be more than a product of your stressful lifestyle. Chronic fatigue syndrome, formally known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is a medical condition that causes severe and unusual exhaustion.

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6 Signs You May Have a Hormone Imbalance

6 Signs You May Have a Hormone Imbalance

Hormones serve as specialized chemical messengers in the body that control most of your major bodily functions. This means that even one simple hormone imbalance has the power to diminish your health and cause painful and uncomfortable symptoms.

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