Concierge Detoxification in Sarasota, FL

Reveal Vitality supports detoxification through a clinically-directed program that enhances the body’s natural detox pathways, providing personalized nutrition guidance to reduce toxic load, improve energy, cognitive function, sleep, and overall well-being.


For just $399.00, Reveal Vitality offers a multi-modal assessment that gives you important insights into your current health.

Book an appointment for your personal health assessment. Learn more.

Integrated Whole Body Detoxification in Sarasota, FL

Concierge Natural Medical Body Detoxification

A Revolutionary & Concierge Approach To Integrative Whole Body Detoxification

  • Integrative Whole Body Detoxification Treatments
  • Concierge Detoxification

What Is Detoxification?

Detoxification is the body’s physiologic process of rendering chemicals, compounds, hormones, and toxicants less harmful. The organs of detoxification work efficiently as a whole to reduce the body burden or toxic load of chemicals; they include the liver, kidneys, large intestine, lymphatic system, and sweat glands. In other words, there are well-defined metabolic pathways in the body that are responsible for converting toxins into chemical compounds, making it easy for the body to eliminate them (primarily through the urine or stools). Studies on how drugs are metabolized and cleared from the body have established a good understanding of these detoxification processes.

Of course, detoxification is an ongoing process. Every day, the organs are working to eliminate environmental contaminants that come in from toxic bacteria, pollutants, plasticizers, and heavy metals, to name a few. One of the most common exposures is toxic chemicals from agricultural production (pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers). These exposures commonly occur through ingestion or inhalation of water, foods, and air and from time spent in the home or work environment. Sources of toxicants that can increase the body burden include materials used in new construction, carpet chemicals that can off-gas into the air, paint, household cleaners, galvanic forces in the mouth that result from mixed metals in dental restorations, synthetic materials used in dental products, and even personal hygiene products applied to face, skin, and hair. Air pollutants are found in industrial exposures, primary or second-hand smoke exposure, and auto exhaust. In other words, everyone is continually living amidst chemicals and toxicants in an increasingly toxic society, resulting in an ever-increasing body burden or toxic load of chemicals.

A person’s toxic body burden is a result of three main factors. First, there is the toxicant exposure we each may have received from both internal and external sources, as previously discussed. Second, each person’s genetic predisposition to effectively produce detoxification enzymes for processing these compounds or substrates is unique and depends on familial influence. Last, the integration of proper nutrition and ongoing dietary ingestion of helpful detoxification nutrients or phytonutrients can impact the body’s capacity to appropriately reduce the presence of toxicants and lower the body’s burden.

Toxic symptoms may occur when we get to our personal limit of accumulated toxins and are not able to clear them fast or efficiently enough. Medical researchers are recognizing more symptoms related to the buildup of toxins, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cancer, fatigue, infertility, allergies, behavior and mood disorders, and neurological conditions such as tremors, headaches, and cognitive difficulties, along with several other diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

The process of detoxification involves many steps. There may be reasons why the body isn’t particularly efficient in clearing toxins. These reasons can be situational, such as having increased exposure to toxins, being constipated and thus not able to excrete toxins in the stool, being deficient in specific nutrients, eating a nutrient-poor diet, being under stress, having a chronic disease, experiencing excessive inflammation, and not getting enough physical activity or restorative sleep. There may also be genetic reasons, such as having particularly slow enzymes that aren’t efficient in converting toxins into compounds that can be excreted.

The goal of a clinically-directed detoxification protocol is to provide nutritional support for facilitating the pathways involved in the processing and excretion of toxins. A detox program results in improved symptoms and an increased sense of well-being for most individuals. Specifically, many who participate in a personalized detoxification program describe improvement in pain and fatigue levels, enhanced cognitive function and moods, more effective and satisfying sleep cycles, and weight loss. Our program provides specific food and nutrition suggestions to optimize the detoxification experience and lower the body burden. The program also offers directions in how to sequence a healthy detox and wellness plan by providing tips on how to get started, what to eat, what to watch for, and how to provide the body with the right nutrients for longstanding, improved elimination and detoxification.

Dr. Davis in Sarasota Magazine

Dr. Christopher Davis, M.D., F.A.C.C.

Triple Board Certified Cardiologist, Founder and CEO of Reveal Vitality

  • Internal Medicine Residency at Johns Hopkins/Sinai Hospital where he was Chief Medical Resident
  • Advanced Fellowship in Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology at the University of Virginia
  • Renowned for his personalized, comprehensive treatment plans

Concierge Medical Detoxification Treatments

In This Video:

Listen to Dr. Christopher Davis, MD explain natural body detoxification.

Are you ready to take control of your health, while slowing down the aging process?

What Our Clients Are Saying

“Dr. Davis is great!
He is interested in solving the root cause of my issues, not just prescribing drugs and sending me on my way.
He always spends over an hour with me going over every aspect of my health.
Such a contrast to my last cardiologist that never spent more than 15 minutes with me, prescribing drugs that negatively affected me, never looking for the cause of my problems, and only doing what the insurance company would pay for.”

Norma Rosenberg

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“I recently took my family member to see Dr. Davis due to the research that I have doing on heart disease on the internet. Dr. Davis went beyond all my expectations! It is very difficult to find a integrative functional medicine cardiologist who also knows the conventional approach as Dr. Davis. He was very compassionate and did not make you feel like he was in a hurry. He listened very intently to everything we had to say. He definitely is not your conventional cardiologist that has a revolving door of prescribing statins to their patients. The best thing about Dr. Davis was his holistic approach to heart issues. He considers in all the different contingencies involved in heart disease. I highly recommend him to anyone who really wants to get to the root cause of their heart disease. His staff was also amazing!”


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“Dr. Cris Davis was previously a top rated cardiovascular surgeon. He now brings that skill base into his current wellness practice which is especially important to me as a patient of his with cardiac disease. His practice is phenomenal and my health has improved significantly! I’ve experienced a tremendous decrease in my weight as well. He’s a genius at this and all I can say is please don’t hesitate to make an investment in yourself towards longevity!”

Frank Griffith Jr.

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“I’m an ex pharmacist based in Australia and came across Dr Chris Davis in a magazine publication.I was looking for a cardiologist who could help my dad in London with a more holistic approach to minimise the number of medications but maximise his health through exercise, healthy lifestyle and any preventive actions he could take. My dad also had a lot heavy legs and hip pain. He had been to multiple different hospital appointments in London with no real positive outcomes. He was low on energy and at 77 starting to think he is getting old! Dr Chris made recommendations to my dads general practitioner and offered specific healthcare advice. 3 months later my dad has lots of energy, is walking 10 times the
distance he could walk before and is virtually pain free. Seeing my dad happy and like a little kid again is priceless. Thank you so much.”

Hament Chavda

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“In February I decided to seek out a functional doctor for numerous issues I have had, from thyroid issues, to sleep issues, anxiety, HRT, to just name a few. From day one the office staff was super helpful in gathering all of my medical records. My first visit with Dr. Davis lasted close to two hours. He listened, discussed, reviewed and ordered labs to gather details that my previous doctors had not looked at. Upon completion of my labs, we had another two hour visit to complete an action plan/next steps. The changes he made and the supplements he prescribed have already started working and I am feeling so much better. Dr. Davis is caring, thorough, and attentive to my health care needs. The office staff is also outstanding.”

Kelly Dancer

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“I believe it’s essential for every patient to have a doctor like Dr. Davis when it comes to their wellness journey- whichever path that may be! He truly is a whole different breed in the best way possible. What he has created and is continuing to expand in his clinic is the future of medicine. His knowledge is unmatchable. He’s driven and motivated to find the root cause, not just suppress your symptoms which is key! I cannot say enough good things about him and his staff! They are always personable and very on top of things. If you’re looking for the gold standard of a doctor, staff, testing, diagnosing, an individualized treatment plan, etc. Look no further, you just found it! I feel blessed to have found a doctor that I truly trust and will continue to be a loyal client of his for many years to come!”

Rebecca D

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Detoxification FAQs

A fresh start is something we need sometimes. In pursuit of wellness, detoxification treatment can offer a fresh start that can rejuvenate you. When we say detoxification, we’re not talking about temporary solutions to help rid the body of toxins. We are talking about the start of a new path to health and wellness that you can sustain. Our practice (Reveal Vitality) provides detoxification treatment in Sarasota. Our detoxification is clinically directed and designed to provide nutritional support for facilitating the pathways involved in the processing and excretion of toxins. Most individuals can gain a newfound sense of well-being and improved symptoms from our detox program. 

In life, our health should be a top priority. While traditional healthcare works to address issues as symptoms arise, there are ways to be more proactive about maintaining your health. Our practice offers a holistic approach that revolutionizes traditional healthcare. We work with patients to perform comprehensive genetic and metabolic testing that provides the blueprint for a personalized treatment and lifestyle plan. With an understanding of your natural foundation, we can work together to build habits in your life that lead to a healthier life. Our approach addresses potential risks and concerns ahead of time to prevent conditions or symptoms from forming. If the condition or disease is already present, our approach can help you maintain your health while learning to live with your condition. 


What is detoxification?

Detoxification is the essential bodily function of removing toxins and waste products from your body. Detoxification ‘detox’ also refers to reducing your overall toxic burden. We are all exposed to external toxins( e.g. toxic cleaning products) to some extent and we produce toxins naturally as by-products of our metabolic processes (e.g. respiration). For most of us our main exposure pathways are actually in our own homes – cleaning products, synthetic fragrances, toxic personal care products, toxins in our food supply, (pesticides, chemical additives, BPA, etc.). Internally we produce more toxic by-products as our bodies deal with stress, anger, poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol, and caffeine.


What is a toxin?

When talking about ‘detoxification’ a toxin is very broadly defined as a poison. This includes the waste products your body naturally produces (e.g. uric acid, excess hormones), as well as the toxic and poisonous substances that we ingest (e.g. heavy metals, manufactured chemicals, natural & synthetic hormones, etc.).


What is a ‘detox protocol’?

A detoxification program is a way of supporting your body as it eliminates toxins and waste. A good detoxification program should be gentle and supportive for all 5 major detoxification organs – skin, lungs, liver, kidneys & large intestine. These five organs work together to remove the naturally occurring waste by-products from our metabolic processes as well as the toxins that we ingest (i.e. absorb, inhale & digest).

Skin – eliminates toxins via perspiration including ammonia, urea, uric acid, and some pesticides and heavy metals.

Lungs – rid the body of toxic gases and volatile chemicals, e.g. when the liver neutralizes alcohol, acetaldehyde is created and then exhaled as a gas.

Liver – is the main detoxification organ. It filters toxins (mainly fat soluble) from the blood and excretes them into bile, other types of toxins are chemically altered by the liver so that they are either neutralized or converted into a form that the kidneys can filter.

Kidneys – filter toxins (mainly water soluble) out of the blood and excretes them into urine, including: urea produced in the liver, ketones from the breakdown of fat, drug residues, and hormones.

Large Intestine – binds toxins (including hormones) and bile for excretion via feces.


Will I lose weight if I detox?

Possibly. Many people find that they do lose weight right away – often as a result less inflammation and bloating. However weight loss during detox is not guaranteed. Having said that, undertaking good detox protocol is a great way to prepare your body for safe and lasting weight loss.


What can I expect after the detox program?

After a detox protocol many people experience greater mental clarity, fewer headaches, less anxiety, improved digestion, improved energy levels, reduced or eliminated cravings, and that they sleep better.

You may not feel very well while undertaking a detox protocol – especially at the beginning if you are breaking unhealthy patterns and dealing with addictions (caffeine, sugar, etc.). If you are feeling intolerably unwell, stop the protocol and talk to you medical practitioner.


What Are The Therapies For Detoxification?

When we think of detoxification, we might not think of nutritional support. However, detoxification can result in improved symptoms and an increased sense of well-being for most individuals. The therapies for detoxification can vary depending on the needs of the patient. Therapies can include clinically directed treatments, fasting, excluding certain foods from your diet, cleansing the colon, and so forth.

While we can take action and seek specific therapy for detoxification, we should note that detoxification is an ongoing and natural process the body undergoes. Our body is constantly working to eliminate environmental contaminants that come in from toxic bacteria, pollutants, plasticizers, heavy metals, and more. Detoxification with Reveal Vitality works to peel back the layers of your life, identify toxic burdens and ways to lead a healthier life.

Three main types of toxic burden include:

  1. Toxicant Exposure: These can be received from both internal and external sources.
  2. Genetic Predisposition: We all have genetics and should know as much about them as possible. Genetic predisposition helps us effectively produce detoxification enzymes for processing these compounds or substrates, which is unique and depends on familial influence.
  3. Proper Nutrition & Ongoing Dietary Ingestion: Proper nutrition is important during detox. And after detox, too.


What Medication Is Best For Health Detox?

Holistic detoxification focuses on natural ways to detox the body. While drug and alcohol detoxes are often supported by medication to reduce the severity of the detox, a holistic health and wellness detox usually does not use medication. To determine what is best to detox your body of toxins, start with a comprehensive health assessment at Reveal Vitality.


What Are The Symptoms Of Detoxing?

Drug and alcohol detox can come with severe symptoms, but detoxing from toxins should not. While you may feel your body going through changes, symptoms should be manageable. Symptoms can include fatigue, mood swings, hunger, and so forth, depending on the type of detox you undergo. If you have any concerns about the symptoms you are experiencing, contact your doctor as soon as possible.


What Are The Five Organs Detoxification?

During the detoxification process, there are five main organs involved.

  1. Liver
  2. Lungs
  3. Intestines
  4. Skin
  5. Kidneys

The results of detoxification generally shine through in the way we look and feel, but there are benefits we can’t directly see or feel as well. Remember that all of our organs work together to support our total health. How we look and feel is one of the best ways to personally assess our well-being. Detox or not, you should try to stay in tune with your body and let it tell you what it needs. Try setting aside a few minutes at the least every day to sit and breathe or stretch or do an activity that allows you to look inward. To learn more about your body and ways you can naturally promote good health, contact Reveal Vitality. We work with patients to deliver holistic, comprehensive care to identify ways to feel better and look better naturally. We all have different genetics, different daily demands, and different physical states. Our team of experts will work together to assess your unique situation and get to know you in order to make the most effective recommendations.


How Can I Detox My Body In 24 Hours?

Some prefer to detox regularly, and some need to detox with only 24 hours. While this may not be the most effective way to detox, it can help you feel better. While detoxing from hard substances or substance abuse in only 24 hours may not be possible, you may be able to rid the body of some toxins in 24 hours. To do so, eat very lightly and drink plenty of fluids. Herbal teas and distilled juices can aid in the process. To make distilled juice, use 1 part juice with 1 part water. Yoga or exercises such as twisting to relieve tension can also help aid in the detox process.

If you are trying to detox to simply feel better, you can try meditation, breathing exercises, simply moving the body, and eating healthy in combination. While detoxes can help you feel better, it’s best to incorporate healthy lifestyle changes into your daily routine. Find ways to create balance so that you can sustain a healthier lifestyle.


What Is a Detox Ritual?

Detox rituals consist of a variety of activities taken in sequence or together to help detox the body. Examples can include massage therapy, detox baths, infrared heat, and more.


What Are The 2 Phases Of Detoxification?

Detoxification is much more complex than fad diets, cleanse pills, or temporary ways to rid the body of toxins. While we cannot permanently detox, we can utilize therapies that are more effective. While detoxification can be complex, one way to simplify it is to think of it in two main phases.

  1. Oxidation: The first phase of detox is to break down the toxins and transform them into less harmful water-soluble molecules to be removed from the body. Getting the molecules out this stage as quickly as possible to avoid inflammation and tissue damage.
  2. Conjugation Pathway: Phase two entails getting these toxins ready to exit the body through bodily fluids like urine or bile. Certain nutrients can help activate and encourage phase 2 of detoxification. Taking advantage of nutrition counseling or a clinically-supervised detoxification program can help you identify the gaps in your diet that may be causing you to hold onto harmful toxins in the body.


What Is The Difference Between A Cleanse And A Detoxification Program?

Cleanses and detoxification programs can both work to help individuals feel better. However, they are different. A cleanse usually focuses on digestive health. A detoxification program usually focuses on a systematic approach to toxin removal. A detoxification program is usually clinically directed, whereas cleanses are usually at-home, self-monitored programs. If you’re receiving nutrition counseling, your doctor may recommend a cleanse, but they typically will not direct the cleanse.

In pursuit of achieving maximum total health, recognize that there is not an ideal diet for everyone and that health is not always defined the same. As unique individuals, we all deserve to be seen and heard and treated as unique individuals. At Reveal Vitality, we offer comprehensive, holistic healthcare services designed and customized to help you rejuvenate your health. Get back to a more vibrant version of you with more energy to live life, and enjoy doing so. We offer nutritional counseling in Sarasota as well as detoxification, in addition to a long list of additional services and programs.

If you are starting with the goal of finding natural ways to promote better health proactively, let us help you understand what services will be most beneficial to your journey. Take advantage of our Comprehensive Health Assessment Screening in Sarasota. With decades of experience and 50,000 patients and counting served, our team of experts is committed to revolutionizing your world of healthcare. We get to know our patients on an individual level as we assess lifestyle, genetics, and other factors to provide recommendations to live a healthier lifestyle. Our patients can undergo comprehensive testing that helps us to create personalized treatment plans integrating genetics, lifestyle, and biochemical assessments.

Rejuvenate your health. . . learn more about our detoxification program today!