Got an ailment? Taking a pill is what traditional medicine will have you do to feel better. Although using regular medication may be a way to cure what ails you, it’s not without its risks. Certain types of medications, like proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can cause more harm than good…
Metabolic syndrome is used to describe a set of risk factors that can increase your chance for serious health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Metabolic syndrome is sometimes called Syndrome X or insulin resistance syndrome.
One in three Americans have metabolic syndrome, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
A person…
Do you know the difference between functional medicine and conventional medicine? There’s more than one way to help someone get better and maintain great health. Functional medicine and conventional/traditional medicine take different approaches.
Conventional medicine is what is typically followed by doctors in the U.S. and in the Western world. Conventional medicine focuses on treating…
If you’ve ever experienced chronic gastrointestinal (GI) problems, then you know how frustrating and even embarrassing those symptoms can be. Your symptoms may include:
Chronic diarrhea
Depending on the extent of your symptoms, you may find yourself changing your daily routine to stay close to a bathroom as needed.
Dr. Christopher Davis, founder of Reveal Vitality in Sarasota, likens a visit to his practice as “drinking from a firehose.”
During a visit, Dr. Davis takes as much time as needed with you to find out your health history and get closer to the root cause of your health problem. There’s a lot of education…