Reveal Vitality
Frequently Asked Questions
F.A.Q. – General
What types of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Cash or Check
Do you offer payment plans?
We do have payment plans for our programs. This allows all who truly wish to improve their health to be able to work with us. Many of our clients are single parents or retirees on fixed budgets.
Do you accept insurance for office visits?
No. We do not accept insurance for office visits. Upon request, we can provide you with a copy of your invoices which YOU can submit to your insurance company. We cannot guarantee what reimbursement, if any, you may receive. We do not submit claims or call insurance companies directly. This is the responsibility of the client.
Why do I have to fill out the forms?
Often, chronic, complex conditions begin decades before symptoms appear. One of the hallmarks of functional medicine is the ability to reach back into a client’s history and figure out why symptoms are occurring and how to reverse the process. In order to fully understand an individual’s story, an extremely thorough history must be taken.
What tests will I get?
Every plan is unique. We work with you to customize testing orders based on your health needs and personal preferences.
What is the price of a membership?
Prices are quoted individually as functional medicine is never a one-size-fits-all approach. You will receive a program price at the end of your new patient wellness consultation based on your health goals and needs.
F.A.Q. – Functional Medicine
What is Functional Medicine?
We use a supportive client-centered approach to healthcare that benefits clients of all conditions. As integrative interventional cardiologists and functional medicine practitioners, we consider the web of interactions that occur among the following:
- Nutrition
- Digestive function
- Detoxification function
- Energy metabolism
- Hormonal function
- Structural function
- Immune system
- function/inflammation
We clarify the extent of any dysfunction by intensive listening (taking your history), physical examination, and laboratory tests. Once we have identified the root causes of your symptoms, we recommend specific treatments and therapies, including dietary changes, nutritional supplementation, herbal medicines, exercise and stress reduction appropriate to your lifestyle, mind body medicine, and pharmaceutical use when necessary. We consider ourselves to be your partners in improving your health.
We also use functional medicine to assess your risk of developing certain health conditions and to prevent chronic illnesses from occurring. In this way, we move from a downstream (reactive) approach, to an upstream (proactive) approach. We can help you determine what factors are “pushing you into the river” in the first place by identifying your susceptibilities. One of our newest approaches is functional genetic testing. Although you cannot change the “hand of cards you have been dealt” genetically, with this information we can assist you in “playing your hand” in a more effective way. Genetics load the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger. This approach offers significant promise regarding prevention of cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis, as well as successfully addressing a number of common maladies.
What kind of conditions respond well to Functional Medicine and Intergrative Cardiology?
Complex, chronic conditions best respond to functional medicine. These are typically long-term diseases that linger or get slowly worse over time.
Examples of disease states that respond well are:
Inflammatory Conditions: Plantar Fasciitis, Arthritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Allergies, Asthma
Chronic Pain / Musculoskeletal Conditions: Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue
Cardiovascular Conditions: Cardiovascular Disease, Elevated Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, High Blood Pressure
Autoimmunity: Multiple Sclerosis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Celiac Disease, Eczema, Psoriasis, Grave’s Disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Lupus, Type I Diabetes
Preventative Care: A functional medicine health care plan is extremely effective in maintaining health and preventing disease. Just some of the diseases that can be delayed or avoided altogether include: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Autoimmunity, Osteoporosis, Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Dementia
F.A.Q. – Diagnostics
What types of specialized lab testing are offered?
- Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis
- Adrenal Stress and Cortisol Testing
- Complete Thyroid Panels
- Autoimmune Panels
- Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Evaluation
- Food Sensitivities & Dietary Antigen Testing
- Vitamin and Mineral Testing(micronutrient)
- Essential Fatty Acid Testing
- Heavy Metal testing
- Genetic Testing
- Hormone Testing
- Advanced metabolic testing
What types of specialized studies are offered?
A DEXA scan is a very low energy non-invasive x-ray scan used to measure bone mineral density to assess for osteoporosis and risk for bone fracture. This scan also very accurate at measuring total body lean mass (muscle) and fat content to determine body composition. Newer DEXA software also allows for the assessment of visceral fat stores which are associated with metabolic and inflammatory conditions such as diabetes mellitus.
RMR(Resting Metabolic Rate)
Resting metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns energy when it is at complete rest. You can calculate your resting metabolic rate by assessing oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange to see how many calories your body needs to perform basic functions like breathing and circulation. This may serve as a helpful guide for nutrition recommendations and to assess for issues with slow metabolism which may suggest other underlying medical issues such as hormonal abnormalities.
VO2 Max
VO2 max, or maximal oxygen consumption, refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize during intense or maximal exercise. This measurement is generally considered the best indicator of cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. The more oxygen a person can use during high level exercise, the more energy a person can produce. This test is the gold standard for determining cardiorespiratory fitness because the muscles need oxygen for prolonged aerobic exercise, and the heart must pump adequate amounts of blood through the circulation to meet the demands of aerobic exercise.
VO max is measured by putting a face mask on the subject, allowing direct measurement of the volume and gas concentrations of inspired and expired air. This measure is often used in research and is considered the most accurate. The test involves either exercising on a treadmill or a bike at an intensity that increases every few minutes until exhaustion, and is designed to achieve a maximal effort. We also obtain the individual’s maximal heart rate from this test, which, along with resting heart rate, can be used to develop a more precise target heart rate range. This is more accurate than age-predicted equations. Thus, the subject leaves the lab with an excellent idea of his/her current fitness level and also how to use this information to improve fitness.
An echocardiogram is a painless test that uses sound waves to create moving pictures of your heart. The pictures show the size and shape of your heart. The images allow for assessment of the heart valves and heart muscle function.
Carotid Intimal Media Thickness (CIMT)
A 15 minute ultrasound scan that detects the “thickness” of the carotid artery. CIMT remains a statistically significant predictor of cardiovascular event rates even after adjusting for other known risk factors.
Exercise Stress Test
A stress test, also called an exercise stress test, shows how your heart works during physical activity. The test usually involves walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike while your heart rhythm, blood pressure and breathing are monitored. This test is used to help diagnose coronary heart disease often referred to as “blockages in the arteries.”
What types of advanced therapeutic devices are offered?
A patented system using the science of low-magnitude mechanical impulses to safely exercise your bones, muscles, and joints. The Juvent Health Micro-Impact Platform® sends carefully calibrated mechanical energy waves up through your body. These tiny waves gently move your body and increase blood flow, helping bones and joints recover naturally. Studies have shown significant improvement in bone mineral density and many patients report less joint and muscle pain, along with improved balance and stability.
Cryoskin is a non-invasive treatment used for slimming, cellulite reduction, and toning. The session lasts for 28 minutes and is done manually through a massage technique. The session begins with heat and then a decrease in temperature to -8° for the duration of the session. The first results are generally visible from the first session and often very encouraging. However, it should be noted that the best results appear from 15 days to 3 weeks after the first session and extend for several months afterwards.
F.A.Q. – Detoxification?
What is detoxification?
What is a toxin?
What is a ‘detox protocol’?
A detoxification program is a way of supporting your body as it eliminates toxins and waste. A good detoxification program should be gentle and supportive for all 5 major detoxification organs – skin, lungs, liver, kidneys & large intestine. These five organs work together to remove the naturally occurring waste by-products from our metabolic processes as well as the toxins that we ingest (i.e. absorb, inhale & digest).
Skin – eliminates toxins via perspiration including ammonia, urea, uric acid, and some pesticides and heavy metals.
Lungs – rid the body of toxic gases and volatile chemicals, e.g. when the liver neutralizes alcohol, acetaldehyde is created and then exhaled as a gas.
Liver – is the main detoxification organ. It filters toxins (mainly fat soluble) from the blood and excretes them into bile, other types of toxins are chemically altered by the liver so that they are either neutralized or converted into a form that the kidneys can filter.
Kidneys – filter toxins (mainly water soluble) out of the blood and excretes them into urine, including: urea produced in the liver, ketones from the breakdown of fat, drug residues, and hormones.
Large Intestine – binds toxins (including hormones) and bile for excretion via feces.
Will I lose weight if I detox?
What can I expect after the detox program?
You may not feel very well while undertaking a detox protocol – especially at the beginning if you are breaking unhealthy patterns and dealing with addictions (caffeine, sugar, etc.). If you are feeling intolerably unwell, stop the protocol and talk to you medical practitioner.
F.A.Q. – Nutrition
How does nutrition impact your health?
We are made of almost 30 trillion cells doing millions of chemical reactions daily. Our body is made of hundreds of nutrients and many of these are missing in our highly processed, pesticide infested food supply. Every cell in your body is composed of and depends on nutrients from your food, and everything you eat has a direct impact on your immediate and future health. If the nutrients are missing in our diets, the cells start to starve and eventually will fail or not perform optimally.
Improper nutrition can also affect your weight and and strongly increases your risk of developing chronic diseases. Poor dietary habits increase your risk for:
- Obesity
- Chronic inflammation
- Mood disorders
- Heart disease
- Hypertension
- Type 2 diabetes
- Osteoporosis
- Cancer
- Cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
Overeating, undereating, limiting food groups, and eating unhealthy foods can all be problematic. Make an appointment today to learn about proper nutritional and supplemental nutrients with help from your experts at Reveal Vitality.
Which nutrients are vital for health?
Our bodies need both macronutrients (fats, proteins and carbohydrates) and hundreds of micronutrients to operate at their peak performance.
Food is composed mostly of carbohydrates, protein, and fats. We need a proper balance of all three to meet the demands of our bodies. Dietary requirements will vary by individual however at Reveal Vitality our team takes great care to determine your specific needs with a comprehensive health assessment.
Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and several nutrients are vital to our bodily systems and cells. Since food supply today is often lacking in many nutrients for many patients, most people will benefit from several supplements to make up for dietary deficiencies.
What nutritional therapies are offered?
The experts at Reveal Vitality emphasize integrative methods to improve your health, including nutritional therapy. They help you establish healthy eating habits and replenish inadequate stores of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to restore your optimal health.
The practitioners at the center offer the following services to improve your nutrition profile and prevent disease:
- Dietary and lifestyle counseling
- Herbal and nutritional supplementation
- Intravenous (IV) and Injectable (IM) therapies
- Detoxification therapy
- Nutrigenomic testing
These services are based on scientific advances in nutritional medicine and the ancient premise that food is our primary form of medicine.
Which nutritional therapies are right for me?
Your provider will perform a thorough health assessment and panel of tests to evaluate your nutrition profile. Our team can perform DEXA body composition, the ideal way to check your lean body tissue versus fat mass. In proper weight loss, it is important to only lose fat mass and not muscle mass. Our providers will help you decide which nutritional therapies and exercises are right for you based on the results of those assessments and other factors like:
- Your goals
- Level of activity
- Allergies and intolerances
- Food preferences
- Your level of participation
- Medical conditions
Your practitioner discusses the advantages and drawbacks of each protocol and encourages you to take an active role in treatment. If you’re interested in learning more about how to improve your health through nutrition, contact us online or over the phone to set up a consultation.
F.A.Q. – Weight Loss
Why am I having a hard time losing weight?
What are the risks of being overweight?
Being overweight or obese puts a lot of pressure on your joints and can cause damage to your organs. If you’re obese, you have a higher risk of developing the following:
- High cholesterol and triglycerides (stored fat)
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Diabetes mellitus type 2
- Infertility
- Fatty liver disease
- Sleep apnea
- Mood disorders
- Arthritis
- Poor self-image
- Higher risk of cancers
The good news is, just a modest 5-10% weight loss can lessen many of these health risks. That equals just 10-20 lbs for a 200 lb person.
What treatments are offered for weight loss?
At Reveal Vitality we offer many weight loss options including medically supervised weight loss programs to help you establish lifelong weight control. The team performs comprehensive dietary history, testing, such as a thyroid and other hormone assessment, a body composition analysis, and resting energy expenditure assessment before suggesting treatment options.
Our team will spend time explaining the proper long-term nutritional changes and use your health status and goals to design a fully customized weight-loss program. They may incorporate any of the following into your weight-loss program:
- Individualized Nutrition Plan based on goals and current health status
- Nutrigenomic testing
- Fat Burning Injections: human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), lipotropics (fat burning amino acids), B-complex vitamins like B12, and magnesium
- Medication: Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy(BHRT), Peptide therapy
- Supplements: chromium, medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, garcinia cambogia, fat burners, keto-DHEA, and more
- CryoSlim: cold therapy used to destroy fat cells which are eliminated through the body’s waste removal system.
These treatments address your metabolism and the way your body stores fat. Our fitness trainers will also work with you to design an exercise plan to improve your results.
What are the benefits of medically supervised weight-loss programs?
F.A.Q. – Integrative Cardiology
What is Integrative Cardiology?
What is “Functional Medicine?”
According to the Institute for Functional Medicine, “the Functional Medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It relies on a detailed understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors and leverages that data to direct personalized treatment plans that lead to improved patient outcomes.”
What should I expect from my office visit?
What advanced testing is offered?
Other testing includes resting metabolic rate (RMR) and VO2 max testing(cardiopulmonary exercise testing), DEXA scan with body composition and visceral fat measurement, carotid intimal media thickness, heart rate variability.
F.A.Q. – Hormone Optimization
What exactly is hormone imbalance?
What are some symptoms of hormone imbalance?
Hormone Optimization
What factors contribute to hormone imbalance?
How do I determine if I have hormone imbalance issues?
How is hormonal imbalance treated?
Is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy safe?
F.A.Q. – IV Vitamin Therapy
What is nutrient OR vitamin IV therapy?
Are there any side effects during the IV process?
How long does a session take?
What are nutrient IV’s made of?
How frequently should I do IV Therapy?
Realistically, most people do not put such high demands on their bodies where they would need daily nutrient IV Therapy. Our most frequent dosage is a bi-weekly program. But you should tailor your IV Therapy to your lifestyle.
How soon should I feel the effects?
Is this process painful?
Who should or shouldn't do this?
We always recommend that you check with your primary care physician if you’re unsure. However, anyone with a healthy history can safely obtain its benefits.
Is there any potential reaction to receiving a nutrient IV while on other medications?
Most people respond favorably to the therapy, feeling energized and alert from the beginning.
Is it an expensive treatment?
Users agree that preventative medicine such as nutrient IV Therapy strengthens their immune system, helping them avoid expensive doctor visits and prescription medication that come from something like a severe cold or allergy.
What should I do after the treatment is done?
Are all nutrient IV infusions the same?
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